Simply put, your tires are the only parts of your vehicle that actually make contact with the road – so proper inflation, tire rotations, keeping an eye on tread wear, and matching your tires to weather and road conditions are very important. Tires affect your vehicle’s handling, ride, and braking, and as such, it’s essential to make sure they have the correct air pressure, tread depth, balance, and alignment.
Unfortunately, no matter how diligent you are about taking care of your tires, they will wear out eventually. It’s recommended that you replace your tires every six years, regardless of tread wear. Of course, heavy use or inclement conditions can decrease tread depth long before the six-year mark, so keep a close eye on your tires and replace them when necessary – this is especially important in parts of the country that see heavy amounts of snow, ice, or rain during the winter months.
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